when used legally and responsibly, psychedelics like ketamine can help connect us to our inner healer, a part of us whose job it is to encourage us back towards wholeness…
We all have an inner healer. In this chaotic world we experience many stressors that can lead to a disconnection from our bodies and our inner healing intelligence. Over time this disconnection can lead to anxiety and depression. Ketamine is a safe and well known medicine and currently the only legal psychedelic being used as an innovative treatment for depression, PTSD, addiction and some forms of anxiety. Studies show that 50-70% of patients being prescribed ketamine for depression or anxiety experience a significant reduction in symptoms.
We see ketamine as an adjunct therapy tool that can accelerate personal growth through its ability to support neuroplasticity. Through producing new neural connections, ketamine supports us to see old patterns in new ways. Many describe it as a mental reset.
Evolve integration offers individual and couples ketamine-assisted psychotherapy as well as medically supervised ketamine retreats.
“Use them (psychedelics) with care, and use them with respect as to the transformations they can achieve, and you have an extraordinary research tool. Know what you're using, decide just why you're using it, and you can have a rich experience. They're not addictive, and they're certainly not escapist, either, but they're exceptionally valuable tools for understanding the human mind, and how it works.” -Alexander Shulgin